Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Joy of a Farmer's market

I went to my local farmer's market on Sunday and it was awesome. I'd never been to one before as I just felt I didn't have time and why go one extra place to get produce. 
So worth the extra effort!! Loved the conversation with the sellers and scored big on local, fresh produce, herbs, bread, and eggs. 
So yummy too!! I've enjoyed it so far this week. 

This is a five fiber bread. Very filling and tasty. It has bits of apricot in it that you can see. I've been toasting a slice for breakfast with some butter and farm fresh scrambled eggs. So good. 

Made some beets, carrots, and parsnips roasted in coconut oil. They were fantastic! Also made some garbanzo and oat patties baked with fresh herbs and some beet greens. It was all so fresh and yummy. Did have some potato rolls and grapes from the grocery. 

If you can get to a farmer's market, I would recommend the extra effort. Can't wait to go back next week. 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Day 2

Well I managed to avoid the ice cream last night, but did have some popcorn. A better choice and that's what it is all about I suppose; making better choices. 

While I hope this blog helps serve as a reminder to me of eating healthy and visually keep track of what I am eating I do hope it serves another purpose. 

One question I often get when people find out I'm a vegetarian is, "What do you eat?" As if my only option is salad. I think I eat a pretty varied diet and have never felt deprived. Well this blog shows, I don't just eat salad. 

Whole wheat toast with peanutbutter
Baked apple with cinnamon and oatmeal 
Taster meter: 6
Fullness factor: 5

Yes this is a Blue's Clues plate ;)

For lunch I finished off some left overs. 
Parsnips, carrots, apple stuffing and two gardin chick'n breasts with whole grain mustard seed, honey, and tarragon. 
Tasty: 6 (it was better the first time)
Fullness: 6

Mid afternoon snack: Kale Chips! Love these!!

Dinner was homemade garbanzo sliders with oats and carrots on a French roll with Lettuce, tomato, avocado, and mayo and baked sweet potato fries. 

Tasty: 7
Fullness: 8.5 (oh my, ate too much!!)

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Every Journey Begins with a Single Step

I am a vegetarian and I am fat. It can be done. I am living proof. 

I love food, just not meat. That doesn't mean there is not a pethera of unhealthy fattening options for me. I love heaping plates of pasta, with any manner of sauce be it tomato, Alfredo, pesto, or cheese. Pizza, fries, ice cream, and chocolate bars are also on my menu more than I'd like to admit. If these things were made of animals, they would be much easier to obstain. But they're not and I find myself in my 30's weighing more than ever - even at nine months pregnant. I actually had a baby eight months ago, lost 15 lbs right afterward then proceeded to put it right back on. Even with breastfeeding, which is supposed to burn tons of calories, I'm still gaining. 

I am disgusted with myself. I feel that I need to take better care of me so I can set a better example for my daughter and infant son and be able to have the energy to keep up with them. 

I am 5'6", over 200lbs, classified as obese. I am squeezing into my size 16 jeans, but there's a whole lotta muffin popping out and I refuse to buy the next size up. I hate to admit it, but I am getting to the point where I am no longer comfortable in my own skin, let alone a pair of jeans. 

This is my journey. It starts now. I no longer want to watch my weight soar or feel my energy drop. I love food and love to eat. But I hate the guilt afterwards. 

This is my food and motivation log. It is my hope that by next year I will be healthier and more energetic. 
I am not trying fad diets or spending money on premade junk meals. I am simply going to make healthier and better life style choices and that WILL result in losing weight and feeling great. 

One thing I have learned over the course of my weight yo-yoing is that you can't just diet, and expect to lose and be thin forever. You have to commit to chaging your whole outlook on food for life. 

3 eggs with cilantro and garlic
1 bunch of sautéed beet greens with garlic and lemon. 
4 oz of OJ
Tasty meter 7 out of 10*
Fullness factor 6 out of 10**

Went to this little restaurant called Salad Creations
Got Kushi or something like that!
Basically it was rice, lentils, chickpeas, pasta, and a spicy tomato sauce. I got the junior size (regularly I would have gotten the large) and water to drink :)
Tasty meter 8 out of 10*
Fullness factor 6 out of 10**

I had some yummy mango and strawberries as a snack. 3 o'clock is a tough time for me and I needed something!

For dinner, homemade veggie pho! So yummy!! Rice noodles, carrots, celery, peppers, onions, fresh basil and gardin veg chicken. 
Tasty meter: 9.5
Fullness factor: 5

Now here's hoping I can go without my normal binge tonight - ice cream!

*1 being dumpster food, 10 being best meal ever
**1 being I'm still ready to eat my arm, 10 being that guy who eats that wafer on Monty Python and explodes